Javascript’s magic “this”In the realm of JavaScript, the keyword “this” holds a certain magical — and occasionally perplexing — power. Understanding “this” is a…Feb 18, 2024Feb 18, 2024
Beyond the Waves: Navigating Life with Courage and SerenityIn the unpredictable universe of life, our existence often presents waves that test the resilience of our spirits. My story, perhaps, is a…Jan 23, 2024Jan 23, 2024
SOLID Principles in JavaScript: A Guide for Real-World ScenariosIn the ever-evolving world of software development, maintaining a robust, scalable, and manageable codebase is a challenge many developers…Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Dunning Krugger Effect, Musuh level Boss bagi para new starterMungkin beberapa dari kalian pernah dengar effect ini, effect psikologis kognitif manusia yang bisa terjadi pada siapa saja tanpa disadari…Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
Newton figured out the gravitational force not in his lab but below the apple tree..Thomas Alpha Edison found the solution to keep the light bulb last longer not on his research building, but when took a nap.Mar 8, 2019Mar 8, 2019