For some reasons, coding isn’t hard it just makes you feel frustrated. Creating some codes are eazy peazy, but debugging the code is hell. Recently I had a blocker, not any solution came up to my mind for the error i dealt with for hours and hours long. I forgot it for a while, then i turned off the laptop. I was totally forgot about it, and not thinking about it at all. Funny thing tho, suddenly the solution came up when i was eating, lol. The point of this post is i want to give you an advice, when something doesn’t work, just let it be.. don’t push yourself too hard, sometimes the best thing to do is not doing anything at all.
Newton figured out the gravitational force not in his lab but below the apple tree..
Thomas Alpha Edison found the solution to keep the light bulb last longer not on his research building, but when took a nap.
So, eat, sleep, take a shower, go out, meet some friends, pray, exercise, anything but your problem.
When you feel happy, you are ready to fight again. your brain will work more efficienc and effective and your problem will be solved.
#WinnersNeverQuit #QuittersNeverWinn